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American Megatrends Motherboard
American Megatrends Motherboard Drivers
Hello, experts!
For the past few weeks, I've been seeing the AMI screen everytime I turn on my computer. It wasn't like that before, so I have no clue why it's showing up now. I pressed f1 and f2 numerous times and went through every session, still I cannot find the problem of why it keeps appearing during startup.
Since I just received a new computer this April, I'm not very familiar with the new AMI then I was with Windows XP. Instead, I used screen-shot to show my AMI screen. I hope this will help!
For the past few weeks, I've been seeing the AMI screen everytime I turn on my computer. It wasn't like that before, so I have no clue why it's showing up now. I pressed f1 and f2 numerous times and went through every session, still I cannot find the problem of why it keeps appearing during startup.
Since I just received a new computer this April, I'm not very familiar with the new AMI then I was with Windows XP. Instead, I used screen-shot to show my AMI screen. I hope this will help!